The Office of the Superintendent and the Department of Education have taken the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak seriously. Close communication has been maintained with the Nassau County and Suffolk County Departments of Health, the NYS Department of Health, the Center for Disease Control, the NYS Department of Education, and the NYS Catholic Conference so that we are well informed as the situation evolves.
The Superintendent and Department of Education Staff are actively monitoring the developments regarding the Coronavirus and sharing pertinent information with schools daily. Principals have been encouraged to share all information with their school pastors and parents. Health, safety, and education remain our priorities as we look to the days ahead.
With an abundance of caution, schools have been given guidance on the following:
- Deep cleaning and sanitization of hot spots (areas of frequent use)
- Monitoring reports of possible testings and seeing if they become confirmed cases
- Methods of instruction to ensure continuity of learning
- Everyday precautions regarding hygiene and sanitization
- Postponement and/or suspension of activities to err on the side of caution, in the best interest of students and staff
We will continue to monitor and provide guidance as needed.
Please feel free to contact your school with any specific questions or concerns you may have.
New York State has provided the following guidance:
Information about COVID-19 available through state and local health departments
General CDC fact sheets:
What you need to know about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Stop the spread of germs – help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses like COVID-19pdf icon
Coronavirus Disease 2019 Information for Travel