On Thursday, September 26, 2019, administrators and teachers from the Catholic elementary schools and Diocesan high schools participated in a unique professional learning opportunity. The Sophia Institute for Teachers, a Catholic curriculum and professional learning resource, led a workshop on the theme, “Holy Day, Holy Year: Living the Liturgical Calendar.” This workshop was made possible through a generous grant on behalf of the schools.
The workshop was presented by Jose Gonzalez of the Sophia Institute and Dr. Michael Patrick Barber, Associate Professor of Scripture and Theology at the Augustine Institute. Jose provide strategies and resources for administrators teachers to incorporate the feast days of the Church and the liturgical calendar in their classrooms and schools. Dr. Barber instructed participants in understanding the connections between Passover and the Last Supper, especially in correlation to the Mass, as well as the importance of the Blessed Mother as seen in both the Old and New Testaments.
All were actively engaged throughout the day. Participants received resources to enhance their instruction of the liturgical calendar. The Department of Education and schools are grateful to the Sophia Institute and the benefactor for this wonderful opportunity and look forward to continuing to work with the Sophia Institute.
“We were blessed to have an opportunity to build on the already strong religious instruction that takes place in our schools,” said Dr. Kathleen Walsh, Superintendent of Schools. “The speakers from the Sophia Institute for Teachers and from the Augustine Institute help us ignite the flame of our faith to share with our students.”